Love Brown Sugar - New Logo Design

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of connecting with Christina of Love Brown Sugar. She was looking for new logo for her personal blog and brand. I may be a little partial to her brand colors, but I really love how this logo turned out.

Christina has been writing and sharing on her blog for over 9 years, covering topics like beauty, fashion, travel and self-esteem. LoveBrownSugar is now a multimedia services brand that continues to empower and inspire multicultural women.

Here is the moodboard that we used to develop the look and feel of the new logo.

All these elements came together to speak directly to Christina’s ideal audience. The LoveBrownSugar girl is a stylish, beauty-obsessed boss babe. She lives in a major metropolitan city, she's college educated and she puts value on social interaction and building community. She loves to shop, eat out and travel. She's an advocate for social justice. And she takes her personal brand and her reputation seriously. She's an influencer within her circle of friends and she makes conscious purchase decisions based on her worldview, her values and recommendations from people she trusts.

And Christina really epitomizes the women that she’s trying to reach and impact. Isn’t she adorable?

Using a dynamic and memorable font and all three of her brand colors I created this logo design. It really suites her personality and her audience’s personality to a T! Sassy, bright and bubbly. This logo is not backing down, and is eager to share it's story with the world!

I’m so excited to watch Christina’s brand continue to grow and see how she shapes the world of style through the lens of self-empowerment. This was such a fun project!


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